February 2018

YouTube campaign

I need your help. I have been trying to increase my online presence, and monetize what I have to offer. The 100-day practice challenge is a part of my effort. I would have qualified to start monetizing on YouTube channel when I applied for monetization back in December. However, too bad for me….they were in […]

YouTube campaign

Looking forward to Saturday’s Concert; “Beauty (ē¾Žļ¼‰is Universal”

The etymology of the word “concert” is French concerter: to unite to cause to agree, from the 16th century, and in the 17th century, Italian word concertare to harmonize. This Saturday, we will be concertizing. https://asiasociety.org/texas/events/performing-asia-beauty-mei-universal-matima MATIMA, a classical ensemble of two musical doctors (clarinettist Maiko Sasaki and myself, pianist Makiko Hirata) will present “Beauty (ē¾Žļ¼‰is Universal” at

Looking forward to Saturday’s Concert; “Beauty (ē¾Žļ¼‰is Universal” Read More Ā»