How can I Help YOU? – Exploring Content Marketing

I think I can help.

I feel very privileged. I am grateful for the world-class education in piano performance/music I received. I feel lucky every time I get to travel internationally to perform in various parts of the world. And through my daily, solitary practice for hours everyday, I have contemplated for decades on beauty, life, and this world. I think it’s given me a unique insight into what life can be. I want to share some of the insights that have helped me over the years. Some were imparted wisdom from many great musicians, artists, scholars, and philosophers I encountered in my musical journey. Others were just inspirations, maybe from the classic masters, music itself, my Japanese background… who knows?

I want to share. But I need some help in figuring out how most effectively I can share what I have to offer to reach as many people as possible. And for my sharing to be sustainable, I need to monetize what I have to share. I’ve been researching.

To start with, I want to share the first episode from a series of YouTube videos I created some years ago. It took me about a hundred hours of shooting, editing, etc. to create these 15 episodes. Even though the videos seem to have helped thousands of people, I cannot make things like this anymore without knowing that I am not being financially irresponsible investing my time this way. So, I will try affiliate marketing. In my next blog, I will throw some ideas for content marketing, and hope that I will get some feedback from you.

Here is the video – I would love to know what you think.

In the video, I use a metronome that has been discontinued. The updated version of the same metronome is here. If you purchase the same metronome through my blog, a very small percentage of the purchase will be paid to me, now I know.


As I am just starting with this whole content marketing thing, any support would be helpful! You can leave a comment with your thoughts, feedback on the website, my blog, share this website with your friends who might be interested, etc. etc. You can leave the comment down blow! Thank you 🙂