Add Rhythm to Homeschooling with Some Musical Cues!

This is an English translation of an article published in Nikkan San on Aug 20th, 2020, as a part of my column, “The Way of the Pianist.

Perhaps you have seen it in movies: Japanese classes start out with a small series of ritualistic calls: “Kiritsu (起立-On your feet)!Rei (礼-Bow)!Chakuseki (Be Seated着席)!” This is often accompanied by a very simple chord progression at the pedal organ placed in every class room. The bells marking the beginning and the end of class period are probably universal. I remember mine from my elementary school with nostalgia.

The new school year is about to start, but most school districts in California remain closed. I am writing today, hoping to aid the parents with prospects of more months of homeschooling. I have been writing about the power of music for this column. It is exponentially more powerful for children. A part of our brain called prefrontal cortex keeps on developing in humans until about the age of twenty five. Prefrontal cortex most importantly deals with executive function, self-control: the ability to focus, regulate your emotions and impulse, prioritizing long-term goals over instant gratification, etc. Music aids the function of prefrontal cortex, especially when its still in its development.

How about little musical cues before the beginning of every online classes, or time to to their homework? Maybe a chime? A little call-and-response? It could even be a ringtone. It does not matter what it is as long as there is an understanding between you and the children. It’s like a very small ritual of conditioning, like Pavlov’s dog.

As the debates over the fear of COVID-19 and the essential nature of in-person classes continued, I was remembering the words of an educator right after the earthquake and tsumani in the Tohoku region of Japan in 2011. “School is not only to educate. It is a place of gathering for the community, providing shelter in emergencies. Reopening of schools mean the parents can go back to work without leaving the children behind. School vitalizes communities.” While the school closures must continue for everyone’s safety, let’s use music to at least bring in rhythms to our routines, like school chimes have done for centuries.

I have been live-streaming my morning practice from 6AM every weekday via my YouTube channel. Starting my days with Bach has become an enjoyable routine. Please join me, any time.