Happy 2018!!
Following the Japanese tradition, after welcoming the new year in with a big cheery toast with friends and family, we climbed a nearby mountain to watch the first sunrise of the year.
I feel renewed and excited to welcome this year, looking forward to many exciting events and projects!
My resolutions for this year:
- Say “yes” more, and “no” less.
- Laugh wholeheartedly, every chance I get.
- Move, choose, and speak beautifully.
- Sing and dance more.
- Always ask myself if what I am doing is really what I want to be doing, reaching towards my ideal self and goals
- Balance between the big picture/goal vs. seizing each moment/day.
- Finish writing and publish my book
- Monetize what I have to offer: Find a sustainable way of sharing my perspective, skill set and music.
After watching the sunrise, we drove a bit further to watch the ocean.
The reflection of sun on the water surface really inspired my practicing poissons d’or in the afternoon.