To Collaborate Like Water

It is your choice to become water, and not a rock, in relation to your fate, your context, your time, and your relationships. Sometimes, your choice to compromise is to preserve yourself and those you love. Life promises to be full of challenges, but the challenges seem especially formidable these days. I hoped that sharing some of the lessons I have learned on my musical path might give you some solace, today.

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A Shared Destiny

However divided we are on issues at hands, we all suffer the effect of our collective decisions at the end. We share our hopes and dreams for our future, and the future of our children. We are more than the thoughts we consciously think. When we listen to the same music together, our heartbeats, breathes and brainwaves start to synchronize. Let’s not forget respect for each other’s dignity. Let’s have faith in each other’s humanity. I send out my music every day with these hopes and prayers.

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