Executive Order on Promoting the Arts, the Humanities, and Museum and Library Services

This is the English translation of my Japanese article to appear in Nikkan San on Oct. 14, 2022, as a part of my bi-weekly column, “The Way of the Pianist

On September 30th, White House announced about an Executive Order on Promoting the Arts, the Humanities, and Museum and Library Services.

“…We will enhance to high-quality arts and humanities education and programming with the aim of enabling every child in America to obtain the broad creative skills and enrichment vital to succeed.  My Administration’s efforts to tackle the climate crisis will be bolstered through Federal and societal support for and advancement of the arts, the humanities, and museum and library services. …”

The inflation rate is alarming, and recession seems inevitable. Historically, budgets for the arts and culture were the first to be cut at a time like this. However, with the advancement of medical technologies and data science, we are now much more capable of assessing the power of music and the arts, the humanities and our museums, parks and community centers and library services.

Despite that, progress does not seem to happen in a straight line, but as a pendulum. During the Trump administration, budgets for the arts and cultural programs were significantly reduced or cut entirely.

But with the Biden administration, the implementation of the power of music and the arts are back in effect. Since his inauguration, his administration has been steadily increasing the budgets for the arts and culture, launching various programs. Especially after the pandemic, there is also a general awareness and appreciation of the social potential of the arts and artists. This executive order reinforced my conviction, and hope. The executive order was announced right as we began the National Arts and Humanities Month in October.

In Japan, we say that the autumn is the season for the arts and reading. Let’s re-read our favorite books, and visit our favorite museums, humming our favorite songs. Let’s feel our facial muscles relaxing in a smile, making us breathe more easily, bringing back our sense of self, the favorite version of ourselves.

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