The Japanese version of this entry is here. このエントリーの日本語訳はこちらです。
To offer tax incentives to my prospective donors, I am in the process of applying for a fiscal sponsorship as a nonprofit project.
In addition to my portfolio career as a performer/writer/lecturer, I propose for my nonprofit project to do the following.
- To make my workshops, based on the latest science on the benefits of music, more widely available to diverse communities.
- I have been facilitating workshops for corporate clients for over three years now. By making them more available to diverse communities, I want the awareness of music as a social resource to take roots.
- The topics of workshops that I have so far designed and facilitated are:
- Teambuilding and Leadership
- Music and Wellness (Stress management, burnout preventions, etc.)
- DEI (Diversity-Equality-Inclusion)
- In addition, I would like to develop workshops to empower musicians
- Musicians for Climate Action
- People’s History of Music: Equalizing Music History for the Future
- Musical Activism
- Musicians as Healers
Diversity Workshop Teambuilding Music and Wellness
The social benefits I hope to achieve through my project “Empowering Music”
- To promote music as an overlooked resource to enhance our individual and collective well-being.
- To appeal to various communities and institutions to consider incorporating music in their space and practice as an accessible resource with quantifiable benefits.
- To make musicians more aware of the latest science on the benefits of music, and to encourage them to make their musical activities more socially relevant.
- To empower them with the latest findings on the benefits of music.
- To help them recognize how musicians are integral parts of their communities with the power of influence over our social issues, and how to be responsible about that power.
- To create a community of likeminded musicians that can support each other as we make our musical offerings more socially relevant and to address the issues we face today.
The support I need from you as I apply for this fiscal sponsorship
- Any wisdom and experience you have to share with me about the nonprofit sector would be greatly appreciated.
- Letters of support and testimonials.
- Your endorsement on my writing, lectures and workshops, and how you think my project might benefit the society.
- Donation Pledge
- My goal is to raise $22,000 for the first year. However, the dollar amount is only a barometer. The number of donors would serve as a testament to the interests on the proposed project, and its prospective social impact. I welcome donations in any amount!
Please write to me with any questions, comments, suggestions, etc. You may leave a public comment to this blog post, or write me directly at

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